7 days and counting ! That’s how we at Team Kidobotikz are now keeping track of the news articles that have sprung up around the city commemorating the unique achievement of our kids. The news has spread across the country as a wildfire and we’ve received accolades in heaps. Credit in it’s entirety belongs to the students, the parents and the volunteers who helped us dearly in this unique achievement. In the past couple of days we’ve been featured on a myriad of media platforms ranging from news aggregator apps such as Wrap-up to weekend tabloids such as the Hindu Downtown. Not to forget a good number of Tamil magazines who have covered our event. We owe a great deal of gratitude to all of the media personnel who were wanted to highlight our efforts and help it reach a large audience.

Meet Jeffin Sam, the introvert. He is here a good one week after the world record. This guy is modesty personified. I inquire him as to how his friends reacted about his world record and he says they all don’t know much about the event .Quite perplexed, I ask him why and he says he never told anybody. So I ask him as to why he didn’t tell anybody to which he says the poster was stuck on the notice board of his school, Jawahar Vidyalaya, for everyone to see; so he chose to not bother anybody about it. Most people would prefer to boast about such an achievement, but that line of thought seems to have been lost on our gentleman. One look at him and you realise he has a composure that many of us would envy and is adept at what he wants to do. I ask him a few more questions to which most of his answers were quite crisp and in a low baritone. This 8th grader, who is pursuing his advanced level at Kidobotikz has already made up his mind to pursue robotics as a career. He says his favourite kind of robots are ATV Robots, a bunch of which he has build at home. But, he aspires to build an airworthy Quadcopter someday.
Happy Roboting ! !
Happy Roboting ! !
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