Ever since Isaac Asimov dazzled the world with his line of books which offered a glimpse of futurism, the world has been fascinated by Robots. For a long time time since the past century the world has been awed when any news related to the field of robotics turned up. However, this in itself has created a cliched image of the whole field of robotics. Whenever we hear the word "robot", our minds immediately turn up images of tiny miniature humanoid robots carrying a tray and serving us beverages. We have been put in the mental mould where the general populace across the planet knows the only kind of robots- ASIMO line of humanoids developed by Honda.
The one big drawback of this effect is the fact the field of robotics has always remained in our minds as the domain of a very select few of people who are invariably geniuses with fancy degrees from ivy league unversities. This stigma is neither valid in the current parlance nor does it offer a correct picture of the field of robotics. It is high time we realized that robotics is a much wider field than we assume. The field of robotics is at the confluence of various branches of engineering and sciences, namely computer science that deals with the programming, the processing systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing as well as mechanical engineering and electrical engineering which deal with the construction, design and the physical operation of the robots.
With this being the case, it is more likely that every graduate who leaves the college with an engineering degree has likely learnt one of the many facets of engineering. However, he or she is already late by the time they realize that their curriculum had taught them the one of many approaches to the field of robotics. If only they had approached the field of engineering with the level of holism it warrants to be able to explore the many applications of their courses.
Happy Roboting ! !
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