It has always been the deeply held purview of educationists that the best of teachers don’t love teaching, they rather make their students love learning. The love of learning and the hunger driven by curiosity makes more often than not makes students voracious learners. While all of this sounds inspiring and motivational, teaching attitudes across the globe are still varied. While it is easy to blame the bad merits of an education system for churning out teachers who still insist on the old school way of memorizing paragraphs, we as a society should also spend some time and reflect back on our decisions which still keep this system of education up and about.
The first ever global report commissioned by the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering revealed that while just 20% of 16 to 17 year-olds from the UK and 30% from the USA are interested in an engineering career, in India the rate is as high as 80% - the highest in the world. Also when asked whether they would like to take up engineering as a career, 80% of 16 year olds in India said it was their first choice, while the number rose to 81% among 18-24 year olds, and 87% among 24-30 year olds.
With such a high demand for pursuing engineering streams, it is time that we explored whether the course in itself has extolled the required aptitude to the thousands of engineers who receive a degree. Sadly, the findings point to a rather alarming trend. With the ever mounting pressure to perform commendably in exams, students more often than not fail to spend time and appreciate, if not assimilate the course they opt for. As been been wont, year upon year the education system bears the brunt of angry graduates and industrialists heaping remarks for its ineffectiveness in inculcating the practical understanding of engineering concepts in the students. Sitting back and commenting on this issue will never yield the desired reforms the education system. If change has to occur, it should be initiated from forces outside-in.

We at Kidobotikz believe that we are the pivotal catalyst capable of initiating this change in the system. The values that Kidobotikz espouses are ones upon which the most idealistic of education systems are built. Kidobotikz believes that the concepts of robotics and automation to which the students are exposed in their graduation courses need to de-sophisticated to the level of young teens. This serves the purpose of ensuring that kids learn concepts of mechanics and electronics in a practical way and it also helps them understand some of the most complicated concepts of engineering with great ease. Enabling kids with the knowledge of robotics would be a step in promoting a greater good because it changes the perspective with each technical studies are evaluated in the country and would indeed help place our students on par with some of the finest minds across the planet.
Happy Roboting ! !
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