This week marks the beginning of an exciting era at Kidobotikz. After the soft launch of our product, we had awaited feedbacks from the initial community of students who bought the Kidobotikz Kit. Now with the feedbacks pouring in, we have come to a sweet conclusion- The Kidobotikz kit is a marvellous piece of wonder. Countless man-hours and thought processes put into the design of the Kit had finally paid off. Our early users have come back to us with anastounding inference- The Kidobotikz Kits in themselves are highly engaging and intuitive. Parents who've observed their ward's learning cycle have given us overwhelmingly positive comments.
The students who had enrolled with us received the Kit and an online learning platform designed specifically for the kids. This platform which includes the entire gamut of tutorials, videos and mock tests has been designed with the intention of emulating an offline classroom environment in the virtual world. It keeps track of every activity a student does while he is logged onto the platform and uses dedicated algorithms to evaluate the calibre and capabilities of the student in his learning process. It even segregates the activities into areas where a student displays more interest and is more well versed compared to other subjects.
Parents and teachers who have have been constantly awatch about the performance of students have come back to us with rich feedbacks which suggest that Kids are quite adept and at ease while using the Foundation Kit of Kidobotikz. It was also observed that away from the watchful eyes of an instructor and with no pressure on them to learn, Kids actually learn faster on the online platform. The entirety of the foundation course which usually takes close to 2 months (or 16 teaching hours spread across one weekly class for 3 hours ) was completed online within a day or two by the kids. This kind of a performance was unheard of. And this was not a unique occurrence. Almost all the kids who underwent the training in the course took an average of just 2 or 3 days from receiving the kit to completing the courseware. Upon inquiry parents revealed that the kits were so engrossing that kids usually end up binge watching all the training videos and learn the entire all the required concepts in a very short time span.

With the confidence given to us by the effectiveness of the kit and with the support offered by the community of parents and students, we are now moving forward towards the more grandiose goal of disrupting education in the country. We are now introducing the Kidobotikz kits in the retail market where any parent gets to purchase one for their kids and introduce them to something that will impact their lives forever.
To talk more about the kit, it is a well designed kit which is a treasure trove filled with possibilities. It is furnished in such a way that when any kid opens it, it kicks off that primal instinct in him- the desire to innovate. The same desire that moved us as a species from the invention of fire, to the invention of wheel to the modern age of computing and robotics. So, waste no further time and check out the kits here.
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