Why do kids spend their time in learning ? Could it be because we make them to? Or could it be because their school curriculum forces them to? Or could it be because they want to just try learning to pursue excellence? The answer could lie anywhere between the three reasons. They could even be learning to gain an upper hand among peers. But, not so often do kids learn to maintain a creative edge and replicate the same in the form of a concept that they’d look at as a masterpiece. However, at Kidobotikz, this is usually the prevailing attitude. Kids here learn robotics for myriads of purposes. But the general reason usually is to make sure that they always have a creative edge that churns out interesting concepts and makes them the envy of their peers.
Meet Kanishk, a next gen roboticist. He is in his class 9 at Chettinad Vidyashram. Back at Kidobotikz, he pursues his Advanced level. He has taken part in several robotic competitions to prove his mettle and he has been successful at a few of them as well. Some of his recent successes include taking part in the Singapore Robo Games. He was among a very few students from Kidobotikz who made it to SRG and considers it a proud accomplishment. Back at Kidobotikz, his accomplishments are immense. As recently as April, he contested in Kidobotikz’s triannual robotics extravaganza- Kidobotikz Robo Games. His participation was a resounding success with him taking part in several events such as Robo Sumo, Robo Race etc. He finished 2nd in the Robo Race- an impressive feat considering the fact that it’s the most prestigious event at KRG with hundreds of students participating in it. And since it is an open event, he is likely to have contested against pros and won it in style. While his roboting past is truly illustrious, he is not one to sit back and bask upon it. He is already gearing up for the next edition of KRG.

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