“The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give.” ~ Howard Cosell
This incredible quote by the renowned sportscaster, who covered several of Muhammad Ali’s memorable bouts, encapsulates every positive there is in sporting and competition. It is no doubt that we as humans desire the sweet taste of victory every time it happens. Even when victory remains out of grasp there is always is a take away for someone who spends his time and efforts to take part in a competition. He could take back from anything between his lessened ego to the sweet satisfaction of an improved performance. Some people who put up brave faces in failure actually enumerate their misgivings during the preparation and the performance to ensure that such mistakes aren’t repeated in successive performances. This is what reforms us as human beings and helps us better ourselves through the universal method for betterment- Trial and Error.
Kidobotikz believes in the fruits of trial and error. After all, the kits that our kids love were developed after concerted efforts which saw many a errors and corrections. But, all our efforts would have been in vain if our students do not imbibe the competitive spirit of innovation where they try and things fail at things until the get it right. What better way to inculcate this spirit than through a robotics competition in which students get the taste of cut throat competition and are forced to think outside the box to come out on top of the competition. This is the major reason behind conducting Kidobotikz Robo Games, which tries to bring in all the elements of competition and the desire to strive for absolute excellence. These attributes are important for students over the course of their education and lifetime.
KRG is a competition that strives to inculcate desired attitudes in children. By exposing them to a realm of competition Kidobotikz aims to bring out the full spectrum of focus in children. When they are in a competitive mode, kids tend to explore all avenues to achieve success. When this is in a science-related field they are motivated to think outside the box and learn all relevant concepts to achieve the desired competence to become victorious. This enables them to learn concepts that they would otherwise brush aside. More importantly, they will pick up some vital soft skills such as Team spirit, collaboration and sportsmanship.

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