Do you feel that your family’s car is a little low tech tech compared to the swanky new one your neighbour purchased? Wanna surprise your dad with some new cool features when he turns on the car?
How about retrofitting a few new features to your car to make it feel like a car that was built for the second half of the 21st Century?
Well, of the top of the mind, the easy way would be to innovate some cool new projects that pull off a smart statement every time someone boards the car.
Do you have your Kidobotikz kits,? Then it can be done easy peasy!
Following are three fun “Kit-creatives” that you can make using your foundation and beginner level kits.
1) Intelligent Parking Assistant System - F+B
How often do you feel the need for assistance in parking your car? This project will help you park your car without the need for requesting assistance from your apartment’s watchmen to monitor the blind spot while parking! Create a circuit to assist you in parking your car properly without collision. To try and test this circuit, all you would require is the beginner level Bluetooth controlled robot and a sensor. When the sensor senses some hindrance, it sets the buzzer abuzz. It can also help detect intruders in Parking Lot.
Find out how to do it over here: Intelligent Parking Assistant System
2) Automatic Headlight System - F+B
This is a feature that is not present in even the current generation. But, it would be awfully convenient if the headlight of our car or two wheeler turned on by themselves. And it would also be in the interests of the battery life if the lights turned themselves off in the mornings. This project should help us automate it in such a way that you can forget to flip the ON and OFF button on your vehicle.
Find out how to do it over here: Automatic Headlight System
3) Automatic Indicator System - F+B
Must be tiresome to sway your arms while creating turns .Wouldn’t it be cool if you could automate the process of being able to turn on your vehicle indicators as you made the turn. This project could help you do that. All you would require is a few components of your Beginner and Foundation level kits.