Ask anyone about the most important days of the week, they’ll probably say it’s the weekends- Saturday and Sunday. These are the days when all humans take a break from the rigours of the week and get themselves rejuvenated for the upcoming week’s challenges. While Sunday is the day of rest and respite for the working class of humans, Saturday is the corresponding fun and frolic day when Kids spend whole day in playing ( because Sundays are usually for school homework, project and last minute exam preparations ). Kids use saturday to let of all the steam they build up over the week. Visit any living room on saturdays and it’s usually at the helm of the youngest members of the family who spend all day long watching cartoons, movies and what have you. But visit Kidobotikz on either of these days and reality paints a different picture. Kids here are gearing up for the next of Kidobotikz’s festivities- KRG. They don’t mind losing a chunk of their playtime and spend it on ideas that they wanna display at the upcoming event. While friends may be out there playing football on the streets, here are guys who build robots that play football against one another. I met one such young gentleman for whom Kidobotikz and its makerspace are less than a stone’s throw away. That’s because he is a neighbour for the Kidobotikz office.
Hey Bhaskar! Temme a bit about yourself and your unique association with Kidobotikz.
Well, I am Bhaskar of Class 7, PSBB KK Nagar. As for the unique association you asked about, I call Kidobotikz my neighbour. I have know both the founders ever since they opened it and I have seen Kidobotikz grow from the small classroom it was to the revolutionary startup it is today. Kidobotikz to me is just like a neighbour’s place. I can traipse in there anytime I want and just start experimenting with ideas. I know all the staff from the tech support team to the trainers. It’s not a robotic school for me. It’s more like a hangout spot.
Well I cannot help but feel envy for your unique vantage point. What level are you in? And how is it progressing?
I am currently in the beginner level only. I wanted to join Kidobotikz when I was much younger. But my parents wanted me to get a little elder so that I was in a position to understand the seriousness of the course. Now, I feel I could’ve joined earlier itself.
It’s not that late. I mean you are still young enough for the course. So, why are you here today?
KRG only, why else? I am here to design a concept for the clean india theme. It’s a bluetooth controlled dustbin.
A Bluetooth-controlled dustbin? That’s amusing. Could tell how it would function?
Well the working prototype is still under development. But, the basic functioning would be something like this. It would be a Bluetooth controllable robot that has a dustbin as the payload. If you are in the room and want to discard wastes from you study table or computer table, you can summon the dustbin via your mobile phone. It will reach out to you and open the lid of the dustbin. You can just throw away the waste without ever leaving your chair. This kind of a concept can find use in many places like offices, houses, classroom. It’s more like a pet than a slave, kind of like a stressbuster. (laughs)
That is interesting. What do you plan to do with your expertise gained from this project ?
Well, my general aim is to explore the world of robotics and make robots that make life easier for not the elite few but the common populace. So, I will design robots that will be both technologically advanced as well as cheap to purchase.
Wow! That is cool. One last question before we move on, temme what’s your favourite subject among the area of robotics? And what are your future ambitions?
Well, I hope to pursue mechanical engineering and become a robotics engineer someday. Whoever is the robotics bigwig when I graduate, I wanna work for them. As for my favourite subject, it has to be programming. I just love to code. The way I am able to write new lines of code and see bots execute them is so empowering.