Terms like “Electronics enthusiasts” and “Robotics hobbyists” are becoming commonplace today. With the availability of low cost electronic components and engaging online content which helps them learn the various tricks and trades of robotics, more and more students are entering the hitherto unchartered areas of robotics and electronics, while they are still high schoolers. Nowhere is this change more pronounced than at Kidobotikz where you can find every other 8th grader turning the screws on a robot they developed from scratch. The ones not doing the same are probably doing an interesting project using IoT.
The result is an ever growing pool of Kidobotikzians who develop wonderful working models and robots, not to mention the accolades these people receive after developing concepts like the AgriBot and the SwachhBot. With us today is a robotics pro whose demeanor and way of talking exude confidence in every which way. He’s only in class 8 but has a way of answering questions that surely will make people think twice if they were talking to someone of age 14. Meet Hariharan, a proud Kidobotikzian and a robotics pro who is our geek for the day
Hey Hariharan! Can you introduce yourself to our readers?
Hi everyone! I’m Hariharan of class 8 at Chinmaya Vidyalaya. Here at Kidobotikz I have completed the expert level. I am awaiting the graduation day.
Being an early student of Kidobotikz, can you describe your journey with Kidobotikz till now?
I joined Kidobotikz a couple of years ago. Back then, before joining Kidobotikz, I was quite interested in the concept of robotics. I was interested in the working principle behind things and so on. Seeing my curiosity, my mother enquired around to see if she could put my curiosity to good use. Upon being suggested by many about a new institute called Kidobotikz, she came here to find out more about what was taught. She found the Kidobotikz model interesting and got me enrolled here.
My case was altogether different though. I was under the assumption that Kidobotikz was going to teach us about some basics electronics and electrical concepts that was not too different from what I was gonna learn in school. So, I had an initial indifference towards the course. But only after sometime did I realize about the seriousness and the significance of what was being taught here. And here I am today after completing the expert level and awaiting my graduation.
Interesting. So, how do you think robotics has changed you?
Robotics has had a profound impact on me. I see things differently now, I imagine about things in a technical manner. I’ve been part of some amazing projects and built cool stuff. To me all this is quite amazing. More importantly, it has empowered me as a student.
How do your parents feel about you? And what does everyone at school think about your roboting skills?
My mom was the person responsible for me joining Kidobotikz. And with Dad, it’s been a healthy competition because I tell him jokingly that I can code in more languages than him. That could not have happened if I was not at Kidobotikz.
Sadly, at school they are not as appreciative of the robotics learning as one would expect. My friends are not on the same page as me as far as robotics is concerned. Maybe, they’ll be on board once they get a little older.

Actually, I had built the bot for my Expert level Creative test. The timing happened to coincide with Navaratri and that is a happy coincidence. It is a Biped, as in, it can walk on two legs. It has sensors in the front that help it sense the surroundings.
Are there any favourite robots of yours?
My favourite robot has to be the Line tracer robot. But I have no bias towards other robots. It’s just that line tracer robots appeal to me more.
I would like to know what your future plans are?
I have no plans yet. I am looking to take things one at a time.
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