Teaching is a noble profession they say. It holds true for several reasons. Good teachers don’t happen overnight. They have to endure their fair share of struggle before they acquire their connoisseur in pedagogy. Students are not the easiest of bunches to handle. Nuff said.
For most teachers who work the classrooms of our country, it is a daunting task to ensure that their classrooms are attentive. Teachers may pin the blame on the attention span of students, but that rarely presents the complete picture.
The reasons for such bored classrooms could be manifold. Wait with us patiently as we explore some of them.
Reason #1: Long explanations with not many cues for visualization.
It wouldn’t be completely wrong if students call teachers voluble. It’s often difficult for teachers to stop talking. They earnestly try to help students understand concepts and make connections that they consume far too much time in explaining thoughts or ideas. While the attention to detail in ensuring proper knowledge transfer in appreciated, teachers often veer off the topic and leave most of the students gasping for a break.
Reason #2: Lack of Spontaneity
Teachers tend to get monotonous in their teaching. When subjects from the STEM background- such as Physics, Electronics or math- are taught teachers put in efforts to ensure that their course plan is structured and does not miss out on any important concept. While this effort to create a structure in the teaching process ensures course completion, teachers more often than not lack spontaneity in the process. This is bound to make the subjects and classes boring to students who are there to experience difference.
Reason #3: Repetition
It’s tough for teachers bring out their excitement when they’ve been using the same classnotes year on year. When they themselves lack the excitement and curiousity, how can one expect the same to translate to the students in the classroom. Students feel one with the concepts that get them curious and amazed. When there is nonchalant repetition in the manner of teaching, it defeats the whole purpose of discovering one’s purpose through learning. Equally saddening is the fact every student in the class churns out the same projects.
How can this be changed? Why should the burden or responsibility for inspiring students and keeping them engaged be shouldered only by teachers? It would make the whole task easier if teachers could use a tool that make their classes engaging for students. Learning necessarily does not need to be monotonous and boring. It can be fun and desirable.
We at Kidobotikz believe that the answer to the above mentioned conundrum could be our Kidobotikz kits. Kidobotikz’s robotics kits makes the whole process of learning fun and makes it as fulfilling as play.