It’s Friday the 19th of August and today officially marks the one week countdown to KRG’s 9th Edition. Back at Kidobotikz, familiar scenes are unfolding with lots of students flocking to get their robots ready for participating in KRG. These young gentlemen are left with less than week to submit their registrations for Kidobotikz’s flagship event and slugging towards the deadline with an intent to be ready in time for the registrations. Meanwhile, I spot a kiddo with a demeanour that is not much unlike any youngster I meet here at Kidobotikz. He is engrossed in a brainstorming session with his buddy/partner; both of them are probably dwelling over the details of their project to get the aspects right. This is when I precisely interrupted their conversation to prise out an interview out of him and his buddy.
Hey Thazeem! Why don’t you temme a bit about yourself and your path to Kidobotikz?
I am Thazeem Mohammed. I study in class 9 of Modern Senior Secondary School, Nanganallur. Back here at Kidobotikz, I finished my Beginner level here a couple of months back and am now on a hiatus until I take up the Advanced level in October. I joined here in April after being introduced to Kidobotikz by a friend of mine named Siddharth who himself is in the Advanced level. It’s been an interesting few months. I was infact looking for a place to learn robotics and then Kidobotikz happened.
That is interesting. So, how do feel as a student here at Kidobotikz? And why are you here this weekend if you are on a sabbatical from the course?
Well, to anybody who asks me this question, I always say this- “I underestimated the system at Kidobotikz”. I was looking for a place to join and learn robotics out of interest, but at Kidobotikz, I found more than that. It’s more about learning and having fun in that process. I have learnt concepts in a fun way at Kidobotikz which would otherwise be utterly boring. To answer your second question, I am here to take part in KRG’s August edition which is happening a week from today. My partner-in-mischief Sai Sriram and I are here to get our robots ready to take part in various.
Interesting! So, what robots are you developing for the event?
I am here to develop two robots. One of them is a Line tracer robot which will be used in the Autotransbot event. The other one is a wall follower event where the robot will carry out it’s locomotion around the walls.
Impressive! So, what do you think of the idea of learning robotics at such a young age? Are there any particular robots that you have a fascination for?
Well, the whole idea of learning robotics as a course while still in school is something that I completely support. It helps me let off some steam from the regular learning that I do at school while also supplementing the same learning that I try to get away from by immersing myself into robotics. Talking about favourite bots, I gotta say my favourite would be the Hexapods we learn in the Expert level. They quite resemble insects and their locomotion and are fairly complex. That keeps me in awe of them.
Moving on, what do you plan to do with the knowledge that you learnt here?
I actually planned to do Civil engineering for my bachelors. Ever since I saw the “Introduction to Kidobotikz” video, I have shifted my goalposts. Now I intend to do robotics in my higher studies. While, I am still not sure which college I wanna enroll myself in, I just wanna join any college where I can pursue a Mechanical engineering course, if not a full-fledged robotics course.