It’s the eve before the big event and everyone can barely contain the excitement. The rooms are so fully that one can barely recognize any voice under the commotion. Festive atmosphere has descended upon all the parents and students who are taking part in the event. The fact that there was a slight drizzle outside and a rather overcast sky seems to have no effect on the entire gathering. With all the positivity and optimism, I would like to proudly announce “All set !” and we are good to go. One has to appreciate both the parents and the students who have given their time and resources to get ready for this event. And it goes without mention that all this would not be possible without the immense backing of the planning team. While it goes without saying that tomorrow’s event will be an astounding success, the credit for this will not be equally awarded if it isn’t dedicated to every single person at Kidobotikz. Every team be it the designing team, the animation team, the sales team or the human resource team, all of them have played a significant role in putting together every single aspect of this event. So, if the credit has to be given to someone, it actually would be everyone.
Moving on to the format of the event, the event would involve 101 All Terrain Vehicle Robots being assembles at the site by the students and would be then rallied across the beach in a line formation. Each student will be building one robot and the time for the assembly is expected to be half an hour. The jury for the event would be Assist World Records who will be issuing a certificate to every participant after the successful completion of the event. This record rally is being organized to promote the MAKER MOVEMENT and its role in technically empowering kids of the modern age.
This could not have been possible without the immense support of our supporters and sponsors. We take immense pride in thanking The Hindu for allotting us space on the as a part of their Car Free Sunday initiative. We also would like to thank our event coordinator ezoneINDIA who have offered us immense support in staging the event. Last but least, we express our gratitude to The Corporation of Chennai and the Tamil Nadu Police for allowing us to conduct this record. We extend our warmest invitations to all of the citizens and netizens of Chennai and we request you humbly to help us make this event a great success by turning up in great numbers. For, it will be an event that will go down in history and one that will be cherished in our memories for a very long time.
Thank you!
Happy Roboting!