Thursday 21 July 2016

Unboxing the kit: Foundation level

07:21 Posted by Anonymous No comments
If you have already read through the two of our previous posts where we just piqued your interest and yet did not reveal anything substantial, we are just sorry. We have been only trying to build up the surprise until we reveal the endless possibilities the kit is capable of offering.

“The longer the wait, the tastier is the fruit”. That is why still haven’t enlightened you on what the kit is and what it’s capabilities are. But, we are sorry for the wait and we would like to say this is your lucky day, for here ends your wait. This piece is intended on covering the various contents of the kit and throw some light on what are the various doables with the kit.
Moving on, let’s dwelve right into the Kit. 

This is the Foundation level kit offered by Kidobotikz. It is a well designed and properly planned kit that is aimed at introducing kids to the world of electronics and help them to test waters in various concepts that would enable them to learn with ease the concepts that are useful for their own academics as well as those requisite to build robots of various kinds. The kit consists of various electronic components and modules that will help kids learn and master the foundation concepts in the area of electronics. 

Unboxing the kit reveals its mysterious contents. The Kit consists of components such as a power supply board that powers all the experiments, led board, light sensor board, a bo wheel and motor among others. The number of projects possible with just one of these kits runs in the dozens. The kit also includes a book which is specifically designed for the foundation course. Kids who buy this kit can avail the online course which helps them learn all the basic concepts and tracks their every activity to provide them with an evaluation of their performance in the course and its various examinations. Buying this kit helps parents keep track of their ward through an exclusive online platform and it also brings the kids under the umbrella of Kidobotikz 12 X 365 tech support for the kit. The kids are also monitored and helped throughout the duration of the entire course with the support of dedicated online trainers who clarify doubts via video chat among other options. Now is the right time for parents to invest their kids’ time in such an engaging and educational activity and help their kids reap the benefits of practical-aided education for their entire lifetime.

Happy Roboting ! ! 


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